Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend Recap!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I feel like this weekend was so well spent. We got in some trips to the beach, time with family, all our errands and some afternoon naps. What else can you ask for!?

Friday night was very low key. Ross and I had some frozen pizza for dinner, watched a movie and called it a night. Saturday we slept in and then headed to the beach.  With spring break upon us, you can count on your trip anywhere in town to take twice as long. Tons and tons of traffic!

 There is always some serious sand sculpting and this guy made a leprechaun taking a nap on a four leaf clover. How cute is that? I forgot my phone so this is the only photo evidence of the beach trip. Saturday night we went to dinner at my sister's house and enjoyed some family time.

 As with any good weekend there is brunch. I had some serious fails this weekend with remembering to take photos and this is the only one from brunch. We went to the cutest little rustic place on the water that has amazing fish tacos. Snapper, guac, feta, cole slaw, and some secret house sauce. My mom and I are obsessed. This place even has a semi-authentic gondolier and you can take a ride on the water right out the back of the restaurant. 
I apologize about the photo but you can sort of see the cute patio atmosphere.

After brunch we made some rounds to Marshalls and the grocery store. We were hunting for some baby gifts, easter basket items, and birthday gifts, so Marshalls was just the post. I loved these blue and white pieces on clearance but since we don't have a set home yet I am trying to refrain from investing in too many decor items (who knows what nooks and crannies we will actually need to fill later on!) We managed to snatch up something for everyone on our list and headed home for the much deserved Sunday nap. I love when weekend errands are productive!

What were your weekend highlights?? I am already looking forward to Friday!
Don't forget to follow me on Instragram @lifeaskatel

1 comment:

  1. Umm how cute is that sand sculpture?! It always amazes me what they can do with just sand and water. Crazy! That patio looks amazing! I love getting drinks on a patio when it's gorgeous out like it was this weekend! Hope you have a great week!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes
